Education Building Consultants

contractor administration

Education building surveying & cost consultancy

Budworth Hardcastle’s RICS qualified Chartered Building Surveyors are experienced working in the education sector, working closely with schools, colleges and Multi-Academy Trusts (MAT’s).

We are here to help you forward plan and implement your estate improvement works to ensure a better learning environment.

Our team also includes a number of RICS Registered Valuers and Agents who can assist with the acquisition and disposal of land and property, to further supplement the advice we can provide for your estate strategy.

Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)

The Condition Improvement Fund is open to Academies, Sixth Form Colleges, Free Schools and MATs subject to qualifying criteria. CIF aims to maintain and improve school buildings’ safety and condition by providing capital funding to undertake important maintenance and repair works.

Budworth Hardcastle provides free advice and bid submission services, ensuring that their CIF submissions are realistic, robust, and meet the criteria set out in the CIF guidelines.

Education Consultancy

CIF graphic

What we will do:

  • Offer practical, impartial advice relating to the condition of your premises, including a free condition survey and report;
  • Provide honest advice as to the viability and likely success of any bid;
  • Advise on any supporting information needed for the bid, arrange any up-front investigations and report on associated costs;
  • Improve your chances of CIF funding by preparing a detailed bid, including substantial evidence and project outline and costs;
  • Provide a dedicated local surveyor from the point of the initial survey and data collection, through to management of project. Your contact will be reachable by mobile phone and able to react quickly to any issues;
  • Work with pre-qualified contractors and consultants suitable for the type of project and who have successfully delivered similar schemes for us in the past;
  • Provide regular feedback and updates on project cost / programme to assist with reporting to the ESFA;
  • Submit all monitoring returns and other documentation to the EFSA on behalf of the school, and;
  • Ensure ongoing support throughout the bid writing process AND subsequent management of works on site. Full Contract Administration services by our qualified surveyors are included for all projects, including but not limited to; preparation of drawings and specifications, obtaining fixed price tenders, preparing contract documentation, chairing meetings, carrying out regular interim site visits to monitor quality, cost and programme and issuing of all certificates from commencement through to final completion of the project.

What we won’t do:

  • Submit spurious bid applications that are unlikely to be successful. We will invest the time and resources to ensure a sufficiently detailed and well evidenced bid is submitted.
  • Charge initial upfront fees for our time and services in preparing bid applications. We will only charge a competitive fee for project management and contract administration services on award of funding.
  • Use agency staff or unsuitable third-party consultants in order to save time and cost. We consider this essential, not only for a well-prepared bid submission, but also for ensuring a successful project on site.

meeting around desk

Education Consultancy

School Condition Allocation Fund (SCA)

SCA funding is provided to MATs of 5 or more academies and more than 3,000 pupils.

Working closely with your stakeholders, we are able to ensure that your funding is well planned, considering the immediate and long-term strategy for your estates.

Our services include:

  • A detailed condition assessment of your estate(s)
  • A costed summary of priority projects
  • Management of SCA funded projects by our RICS qualified Surveyors.

Whether you are a school, college or MAT please get in touch to see how we can help.

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Key Contacts

Mark Budworth

Mark Budworth

Director, Chartered Surveyor

Telephone: 01536 483400
Mobile: 07730 416960

Tom Freer

Tom Freer
BSc (Hons) MRICS

Assoc Dir, Head of Prop Man

Telephone: 01536 483400
Mobile: 07966 506314

Jason Ghayour

Jason Ghayour
BSc Eng. (Hons)

Facilities Manager

Telephone: 01536 483400
Mobile: 07507 993542

Anna Pisani

Anna Pisani

Property Management Accounts
Telephone: 01536 483400

Barbara Wrighting

Barbara Wrighting

Property Management Accounts
Telephone: 01536 483400

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